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inspired by our conversation with Manuel

small web functions purely because of people's kindness and interest. period. people share links here not because they are paid or offered a mutual linking , but because they wanted to say "hey , that person's cool , you should visit their page too!". people offer free code snippets just because they want to share what they've made with others. people ask others to share their blogs with them without expecting anything in return. people (at least some) adjust their websites to be readable on mobile phones and old computers + to not harm ecology. people share tips with newbies just because THEY LOVE SMALL WEB. people on small web are great.

but this aura of mutual kindness is really easy to break. there are people who are willing to use manipulation & unjust methods just to gather more money , and that seriously hurts the web. some of them are plain immoral , some - just uneducated about the harm of the things they're using. it's hard to change people's morals , educating people seems easier in comparison , so i'll try to do the later. so , if you care for people on the net -

'how to not be the web's bad guy' , the ultimate guide

  1. check some information on manipulation techniques , specifically the ones used in the web (i might do some deeper research on that topic and share it with you)
  2. try to find them in your website if there are some - try to get rid of them (make that 99.99 cent thing a 1 dollar one , for example , don't fool people!)
  3. when you share something with the internet - think about why do you do it. if it is "everyone does this thing , why shouldn't I?" - check if it is harmful twice. we all share the responsibility on the things that happen online.

and about the "immoral" part of people - i think best thing we can do is to continue being kind online. kindness is contagious and inspiring!

hope this post helps the web to grow a bit kinder.

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