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this website has definitely gone through a lot of changes. and will go through even more. i'll just keep them here.

era 1: the tilda phase

my art history teacher told me about website-making tool , called "tilda" , when i was doing my project about designing shirts. not tilde , tilda. a service with a lot of stuff locked behind a paywall , made for creating pretty soulless corporate websites. on the bright side - it's really easy to use , it doesn't require coding. don't recommend usung it. so , with that thing i firstly created a website about those shirts , but then a bright idea struck my mind - why don't i make a website about myself? and this was without any connection with the personal websites community (i thought i was the only one out here lol). shirts project was ditched , i was creating a personal website. it had a main aka about page with info about me , the sort of a blog/journal with couple of entries on the same page and a guestbook?? i didn't know about guestbooks back then , it was probably called something like 'comments' (this proves the fact that personal website making is somewhat of a modern instinct). but there weren't many free functions in tilda , so i got bored quickly... might remake that website though.

era 2: the great finding

so i started seeking for other website builders , and found one video on youtube. the video itself didn't matter , i didn't understand a word from it , all that mattered was one comment , that told "why didn't you tell about neocities? it lets you build websites for free". my brain clicked on the words "build websites" and "free" , so i quickly googled neocities and was AMAZED to say least. not only by the fact that they , indeed , let you build websites for free , but also by the things others created. i quickly learned basics of html through the neocities tutorial , and not so quickly - css , and built my first ever real website! that was cool time for sure! but i quickly got discouraged , because others built beautiful things , and all i'd got was:

*some image*


i'm chais , this is my website

i can make paragraphs too! and lists! i like:

and links too!

and all of that in bright yellow and red. so i left.

era 3: the homecoming x2

there were 2 , a bit better , attempts at making my own website as good as others'. there's nothing to say about it , except the fact that idea of an index page for the first one , which had around three pages (index , main and not found) , was really good (also might recreate) , and the second attempt which was all about the series of bead necklaces i've made , lacked both index and main pages , only content , only hardcore. both easily fell off because of simple lack of interest in them.

era 4: the current.

a biggest , most complex and the longest website i've ever made. executed in minimalistic style. not much to say about it except i like it as it is , but feel it will outgrow its current form and drastically change...

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