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I'm chais , newbie website builder and artist.

i use this website to connect with people in a slow way , which is important in the world that revolves faster and faster. there will never be everything about me , just a glimpse at some random aspects of my life and art that i actively wanted to share.

just take that as an ability to recieve letters from a random person , which is me , approx. once a week.

and that's my host!


° 17/01/25 - completely remade the site

° 18/01/25 - a whole lot of things happened: 404 page , blog page , about page , recent updates corner...

° 19/01/25 - added a first blog post!!

° 20/01/25 - new blog post!

° 21/01/25 - new blog post , updated the now page


see you later))

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