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it's an about page where i tell basic info about me and my website.


that's my third attempt to make a website on neocities. other two are lost to time because i've lost interest in making them. why a website? i wanted some way to share information with the world. a website is million times better than social media , not only because of rich customisation , but also because it's quite tedious to make a web page (don't get me started on how hard it was to make those lil krakens) , and that implies i won't overshare and won't flood the blog with tons of useless posts. why minimalistic? it's wayyy easier to maintain , plus i enjoy reading minimalistic sites much more , they're less overwhelming and more content-focused. what will be here? i don't know yet... (needs an update when i decide)


my nickname is chais , short for "chais gvozdyami" or "teawith nails" if you translate that from russian. yeah , and i'm russian. i enjoy making art of different forms , beading , listening to music and journaling (and internet-ing? ofc). i like fish , but couldn't find kaomoji of it , so krakens it is. also love stars , clouds , sun , birds , forests , frogs&toads , rain and vending machine cocoa. not much else to say. guess my future updates will tell more about me , stay tuned!

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